root@keembay:~# gst-inspect-1.0 kmbcamsrc Plugin Details: Name kmbcamera Description Source element for Keembay camera. The element can have a different number of output pads streaming data, depending on the properties set. If multi-camera-ids property is not used, then only a single camera will streaming on 1 to 3 pads. The camera-id property can be used to select a camera. transform-hub property is used to select the amount of outputs from a given camera. Filename /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/ Version 1.0.0 License LGPL Source module kmbcamera Binary package Keembay Camera Origin URL Intel Corporation GObject +----GInitiallyUnowned +----GstObject +----GstElement +----GstBin +----KmbCamSrc Implemented Interfaces: GstChildProxy KmbCamera Pad Templates: none Element has no clocking capabilities. Element has no URI handling capabilities. Pads: SRC: 'ghostSrc_0' SRC: 'ghostSrc_1' SRC: 'ghostSrc_2' SRC: 'ghostSrc_3' SRC: 'ghostSrc_4' SRC: 'ghostSrc_5' SRC: 'ghostSrc_raw' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_0' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_1' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_2' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_3' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_4' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_5' SRC: 'auxiliary_1_ghostSrc_raw' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_0' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_1' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_2' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_3' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_4' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_5' SRC: 'auxiliary_2_ghostSrc_raw' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_0' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_1' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_2' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_3' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_4' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_5' SRC: 'auxiliary_3_ghostSrc_raw' Element Properties: ae-antibanding : AE antibanding property defines which antibanding mode will be used flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAEAntibanding" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_OFF (1): 50HZ - KMB_CAMERA_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_50HZ (2): 60HZ - KMB_CAMERA_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_60HZ (3): AUTO - KMB_CAMERA_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_AUTO ae-convergence-speed: AE convergence speed property sets convergence speed flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAEConvergenceSpeed" Default: 0, "normal" (0): normal - KMB_CAMERA_AE_CONVERGENCE_SPEED_NORMAL (1): medium - KMB_CAMERA_AE_CONVERGENCE_SPEED_MEDIUM (2): low - KMB_CAMERA_AE_CONVERGENCE_SPEED_LOW ae-exposure-compensation: Adjustment to autoexposure target image brightness flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 ae-lock : Whether autoexposure is currently locked to its latest calculated values flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAELock" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AE_LOCK_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_AE_LOCK_ON ae-mode : Whether autoexposure is currently updating the sensor exposure and sensitivity fields flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAEMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AE_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_AE_MODE_ON (2): auto-flash - KMB_CAMERA_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH (3): always-flash - KMB_CAMERA_AE_MODE_ON_ALWAYS_FLASH (4): flash-redeye - KMB_CAMERA_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH_REDEYE ae-precapture-trigger: Whether the 3A Framework must trigger precapture metering flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAEPrecaptureTrigger" Default: 0, "idle" (0): idle - KMB_CAMERA_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_IDLE (1): start - KMB_CAMERA_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START ae-regions : Comma separated values for setting AE regions following the rule: {left, right, top, bottom, weight} or with multiple regions: {left1, right1, top1, bottom1, weight1, left2, right2, top2, bottom2, weight2, ...} flags: readable, writable String. Default: "" af-mode : Whether autofocus is currently enabled, and what mode it is set to flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAFMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_OFF (1): auto - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_AUTO (2): macro - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_MACRO (3): continuous-video - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO (4): continuous-picture - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE (5): edof - KMB_CAMERA_AF_MODE_EDOF af-trigger : Whether the 3A Framework must trigger autofocus flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAFTrigger" Default: 0, "idle" (0): idle - KMB_CAMERA_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE (1): start - KMB_CAMERA_AF_TRIGGER_START (2): cancel - KMB_CAMERA_AF_TRIGGER_CANCEL async-handling : The bin will handle Asynchronous state changes flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false auto-hdr-enable : Enable auto HDR feature flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false awb-lock : Whether auto-whitebalance is currently locked to its latest calculated values flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAWBLock" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_LOCK_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_LOCK_ON awb-mode : Whether auto-whitebalance is currently setting the color transform fields, and what its illumination target is flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamAWBMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_OFF (1): auto - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_AUTO (2): incadescent - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_INCANDESCENT (3): fluorescent - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_FLUORESCENT (4): warm-fluorescent - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_WARM_FLUORESCENT (5): daylight - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_DAYLIGHT (6): cloudy-daylight - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_CLOUDY_DAYLIGHT (7): twilight - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_TWILIGHT (8): shade - KMB_CAMERA_AWB_MODE_SHADE awb-regions : Comma separated values for setting AWB regions following the rule: {left, right, top, bottom, weight} or with multiple regions: {left1, right1, top1, bottom1, weight1, left2, right2, top2, bottom2, weight2, ...} flags: readable, writable String. Default: "" calib-src : Calibration source options: 0, 1. Select reading data source where 0 is EEPROM IC, 1 is File /usr/bin/ with name calib_data_{cam_id}.bin flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 0 camera-id : (0): kmb-ov9782-sensorcolor (1): kmb-ov9282-sensorleft (2): kmb-ov9282-sensorright (3): kmb-ov9282-sensorvertical (4): kmb-imx412-sensortof1 (5): kmb-imx412-sensortof2 flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 5 Default: 0 camera-mode : Camera mode property. Supported values are: ull, HDR-2DOL, HDR-3DOL, mono, no-isp flags: readable, writable String. Default: "ull" capture-intent : Information to 3A routines about the purpose of this capture, to help decide optimal 3A strategy flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamCaptureIntent" Default: 0, "preview" (0): preview - KMB_CAMERA_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW (1): capture - KMB_CAMERA_CAPTURE_INTENT_STILL_CAPTURE (2): video-record - KMB_CAMERA_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_RECORD (3): video-snapshot - KMB_CAMERA_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT (4): zsl - KMB_CAMERA_CAPTURE_INTENT_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG control-adapter : Property to choose a control adapter type. Valid values are: guzzi, guzzi_live_tuning, legacy, sim flags: readable, writable String. Default: "guzzi" edge-mode : Operation mode for edge enhancement flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamEdgeMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_EDGE_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_EDGE_MODE_ON edge-strength : Control the amount of edge enhancement applied to the images flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 1 - 10 Default: 0 effect-mode : Whether any special color effect is in use flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamEffectMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_OFF (1): mono - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_MONO (2): negative - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_NEGATIVE (3): solarize - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_SOLARIZE (4): sepia - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_SEPIA (5): posterize - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_POSTERIZE (6): whiteboard - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_WHITEBOARD (7): blackboard - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_BLACKBOARD (8): aqua - KMB_CAMERA_EFFECT_MODE_AQUA enable-metadata-debug: Enable ISP cfg copy in metadata flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false flash-firing-power : Power for flash firing/torch flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 0 - 10 Default: 0 flash-firing-time : Firing time of flash relative to start of exposure flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 flash-mode : Flash mode defines how the flash light should be used flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamFlashMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE_OFF (1): signal - KMB_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE_SINGLE (2): torch - KMB_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE_TORCH flash-trigger : Flash trigger defines on which frame flash light should be activated flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 frame-flip : Enable frame flip flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 0 - 1 Default: 0 frame-mirror : Enable frame mirror flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 0 - 1 Default: 0 frame-rotation : Frame rotation property defines video rotation flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamFrameRotation" Default: 0, "0" (0): 0 - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_ROTATION_0 (1): 90 - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_ROTATION_90 (2): 180 - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_ROTATION_180 (3): 270 - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_ROTATION_270 geometric-mode : Operating mode of geometric correction flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamGeometrichMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_GEOMETRIC_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_GEOMETRIC_MODE_ON geometric-strength : Control the amount of shading correction applied to the images flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 1 - 10 Default: 0 hot-pixel-mode : Set operational mode for hot pixel correction flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamHotPixelMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_HOT_PIXEL_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_HOT_PIXEL_MODE_ON ir-mode : Infrared mode flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamIRMode" Default: 0, "on" (0): on - KMB_CAMERA_IR_MODE_ON (1): off - KMB_CAMERA_IR_MODE_OFF (2): auto - KMB_CAMERA_IR_MODE_AUTO isp-param-delay : Number of frames after which to apply isp params flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 0 isp-params : ISP live tuning binary file flags: readable, writable String. Default: null legacy-band-stop-filter: Switch the band-stop filter of a camera sensor on or off, or specify its strength. Such band-stop filters can be used, for example, to filter out the fluorescent light component. flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamBandStopFilter" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_BAND_STOP_FILTER_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_BAND_STOP_FILTER_ON legacy-blue-balance : Blue chroma balance flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-contrast : Picture contrast or luma gain flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-gamma : Gamma adjust flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-hue : Hue or color balance flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-red-balance : Red chroma balance flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-saturation : Picture color saturation or chroma gain flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 legacy-sharpness : Adjusts the sharpness filters in a camera. The minimum value disables the filters, higher values give a sharper picture flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 lens-aperture : Size of the lens aperture flags: readable, writable Float. Range: -3.402823e+38 - 3.402823e+38 Default: 0 lens-filter-density : State of lens neutral density filter(s) flags: readable, writable Float. Range: -3.402823e+38 - 3.402823e+38 Default: 0 lens-focal-length : Lens optical zoom setting flags: readable, writable Float. Range: 1 - 3.402823e+38 Default: 0 lens-focus-distance : Distance to plane of sharpest focus, measured from frontmost surface of the lens flags: readable, writable Float. Range: 0 - 3.402823e+38 Default: 0 lens-iris-position : Iris position. 0 opened, 4 closed and 5 auto mode flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 0 - 5 Default: 0 lens-optical-stabilization-mode: Whether optical image stabilization is enabled flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamOpticalStabilizationMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE_ON message-forward : Forwards all children messages flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false metadata-enable : Enable metadata callbacks flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false metadata-send-tags : Trigger for metadata tagging flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false multi-camera-ids : Selected cameras' ids list: (comma separated values) where the first one is the main camera. flags: readable, writable String. Default: "0" multi-camera-mode : Multi camera mode options: stereo, 360. To be used together with multi-camera-ids to select which cameras to be used.Default is stereo. flags: readable, writable String. Default: "none" multi-camera-sync : Multi camera sync types: hw, sw. To be used together with multi-camera-mode to select which type of sensor sync should be used. Default is hw. flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamMulticamSync" Default: 0, "hw" (0): hw - KMBCAM_MULTICAMERA_SYNC_HW (1): sw - KMBCAM_MULTICAMERA_SYNC_SW name : The name of the object flags: readable, writable String. Default: "kmbcamsrc0" noise-reduction-mode: Mode of operation for the noise reduction algorithm flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamNoiseReductionMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_ON noise-reduction-strength: Control the amount of noise reduction applied to the images flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 1 - 10 Default: 0 num-frames : Number of frames to output before sending EOS (-1 = unlimited) flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1 parent : The parent of the object flags: readable, writable Object of type "GstObject" raw-enable : Enable raw input usage flags: readable, writable Boolean. Default: false raw-format : Property to choose a format for raw input. Supported formats are: BGGR10, GBRG10, GRBG10, RGGB10, BGGR10P, GBRG10P, GRBG10P, RGGB10P, BGGR12, GBRG12, GRBG12, RGGB12, BGGR12P, GBRG12P, GRBG12P, RGGB12P. The default is RGGB12. flags: readable, writable String. Default: "BGGR10" raw-height : Raw input image height flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 1964 raw-location : Dir containing raw input images. Ex. /raw_img flags: readable, writable String. Default: "/raw_input_images" raw-name-prefix : Prefix of raw input images' names. Ex. img flags: readable, writable String. Default: "img" raw-width : Raw input image width flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 2616 scanline-align : Scanline alignment flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 1 - 4096 Default: 1 scene-mode : Scene mode works as a preset for different image capture mode settings flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamSceneMode" Default: 0, "auto" (0): auto - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_AUTO (1): action - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_ACTION (2): portrait - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT (3): landscape - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE (4): night - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_NIGHT (5): night-portrait - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT (6): theatre - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_THEATRE (7): beach - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_BEACH (8): snow - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_SNOW (9): sunset - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_SUNSET (10): steadyphoto - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO (11): fireworks - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS (12): sports - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_SPORTS (13): party - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_PARTY (14): candlelight - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT (15): barcode - KMB_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE_BARCODE sensor-exposure-time: Control the amount of noise reduction applied to the images flags: readable, writable Integer64. Range: 0 - 30000000000 Default: 0 sensor-frame-duration: Duration from start of frame exposure to start of next frame exposure flags: readable, writable Integer64. Range: -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807 Default: 0 sensor-sensitivity : Gain applied to image data. Must be implemented through analog gain only if set to values below 'maximum analog sensitivity'. If the sensor can't apply this exact gain, it should lessen the gain to the nearest possible value (rather than gain more). flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: -2147483648 - 2147483647 Default: 0 shading-mode : Quality of lens shading correction applied to the image data flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamShadingMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_SHADING_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_SHADING_MODE_ON shading-strength : Control the amount of shading correction applied to the images flags: readable, writable Integer. Range: 1 - 10 Default: 0 stride-align : Stride alignment flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 1 - 4096 Default: 1 sync-mode-force : Sync mode force/override: default (not forced), none (free-running), main (generating the sync), aux (receiving the sync). Default is default flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamSyncModeForce" Default: -1, "default" (-1): default - KMBCAM_SYNC_MODE_FORCE_DEFAULT (0): none - KMBCAM_SYNC_MODE_FORCE_NONE (1): main - KMBCAM_SYNC_MODE_FORCE_MAIN (2): aux - KMBCAM_SYNC_MODE_FORCE_AUX test-pattern : Selected smart camera test pattern flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamTestPattern" Default: 3, "color_bars" (0): repeating - KMBCAM_TEST_PATTERN_REPEATING (1): seed - KMBCAM_TEST_PATTERN_REPEATING_SEED (2): seed_ts - KMBCAM_TEST_PATTERN_REPEATING_SEED_TS (3): color_bars - KMBCAM_TEST_PATTERN_COLOR_BARS tonemap-mode : Table mapping for red, green, blue input values to output values flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamTonemapMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_TONEMAP_MODE_ON transform-hub : Transform hub property. Supported values are: none, basic, full, stitching, EPTZ. Transform hub full has 3 outputs: one with sensor resolution and two scaled. Transform hub basic has 2 outputs: one with sensor resolution and one scaled. The scaled outputs can be upscaled or downscaled. flags: readable, writable String. Default: "none" v4l2-debug-level : Selected v4l2 debug level flags: readable, writable Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 0 video-stabilization-mode: Whether video stabilization is active flags: readable, writable Enum "KmbCamVideoStabilizationMode" Default: 0, "off" (0): off - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF (1): on - KMB_CAMERA_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE_ON Children: auxiliary_3_source_raw auxiliary_3_source_5 auxiliary_3_source_4 auxiliary_3_source_3 auxiliary_3_source_2 auxiliary_3_source_1 auxiliary_3_source_0 auxiliary_2_source_raw auxiliary_2_source_5 auxiliary_2_source_4 auxiliary_2_source_3 auxiliary_2_source_2 auxiliary_2_source_1 auxiliary_2_source_0 auxiliary_1_source_raw auxiliary_1_source_5 auxiliary_1_source_4 auxiliary_1_source_3 auxiliary_1_source_2 auxiliary_1_source_1 auxiliary_1_source_0 source_raw source_5 source_4 source_3 source_2 source_1 source_0